What does IDM stand for? In the medical world, IDM is an acronym for Infant of Diabetic Mother. In this episode, we review the common complications associated with Infants of Diabetic Mothers. You may be surprised to hear that there are several complications beyond hypoglycemia or low blood sugars including but not limited to macrosomia, asphyxia, small for gestational age, respiratory distress, cardiac anomalies, neurological impairments, polycythemia, hyperbilirubinemia, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia. Plus IDM infants are also at an increased risk for a preterm delivery and/or a cesarean section delivery due to their risk of complications later during the pregnancy or potentially larger size.
Not only will we break down the potential complications the IDM infant is at risk for one-by-one, but we also discuss the pathophysiology behind each diagnosis as well as the typical treatment plan for each complication.
If you are currently pregnant and have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes or had pre existing diabetes, this episode is for you! Or if you just had your baby and had diabetes with the pregnancy, this episode will provide you some great education.
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Website Link: https://empoweringnicuparents.com/episode19/